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dc.contributor.authorHjelm, Katarina
dc.contributor.authorBeebwa, Esther
dc.identifier.citationHjelm, K., & Beebwa, E. (2013). The influence of beliefs about health and illness on foot care in Ugandan persons with diabetic foot ulcers. The open nursing journal, 7, 123.en_US
dc.description.abstractDiabetes mellitus is becoming pandemic, particularly affecting Sub-Saharan Africa, and the prevalence of complications is increasing. Diabetic foot disorders are a major source of morbidity and disability. Delay in the health care process due to patients’ beliefs may have deleterious consequences for limb and life in persons with diabetic foot ulcers. No previous studies of beliefs about health and illness in persons with diabetic foot ulcers living in Africa have been found. The aim of the study was to explore beliefs about health and illness among Ugandans with diabetic foot ulcers that might affect self-care and care seeking behaviour. In an explorative study with consecutive sample semi-structured interviews were held with 14 Ugandan men and women, aged 40-79, with diabetic foot ulcer. Knowledge was limited about causes, management and prevention of diabetic foot ulcers. Foot ulcers were often detected as painful sores, perceived to heal or improve, and led to stress and social isolation due to smell and reduced mobility. Most lacked awareness of the importance of complete daily foot care and seldom practised self-care. Health was described as absence of disease and pain. Many feared future health and related it to contact with nurses in the professional sector from whom they sought information, blood tests and wound dressings and desired better organised diabetes clinics offering health education and more opening hours. Many have an underutilised potential for self-care and need education urgently, delivered in well-organised diabetes clinics working to raise awareness of the threat and prevent foot ulcersen_US
dc.description.sponsorshipThe Linnaeus- Palme Foundation, Swedish International Development Aid, Sweden,en_US
dc.publisherThe Open Nursing Journalen_US
dc.subjectAttitudes to health/illnessen_US
dc.subjectBeliefs about health/illnessen_US
dc.subjectCare-seeking behaviouren_US
dc.subjectDiabetes mellitus complicationsen_US
dc.subjectFoot ulceren_US
dc.titleThe Influence of Beliefs About Health and Illness on Foot Care in Ugandan Persons with Diabetic Foot Ulcersen_US

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