Now showing items 1-7 of 7

    • Altered Maternal Antibody Profiles in Women With Human Immunodeficiency Virus Drive Changes in Transplacental Antibody Transfer 

      Dolatshahi, Sepideh; Butler, Audrey L.; Siedner, Mark J.; Ngonzi, Joseph; Edlow, Andrea G.; Adong, Julian; Jennewein, Madeleine F.; Atyeo, Caroline; Bassett, Ingrid V.; Roberts, Drucilla J.; Lauffenburger, Douglas A.; Alter, Galit; Bebell, Lisa M. (Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2022)
      Background: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)–exposed, uninfected (HEU) children have a higher risk of severe infection, but the causes are poorly understood. Emerging data point to altered antibody transfer in women with ...
    • Chronic Placental Inflammation Among Women Living With HIV in Uganda 

      Bebell, Lisa M.; Siedner, Mark J.; Ngonzi, Joseph; Le, Mylinh H.; Adong, Julian; Boatin, Adeline A.; Bassett, Ingrid V.; Roberts, Drucilla J. (ournal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 2020)
      Background: HIV-exposed, uninfected (HEU) children have poorer early-life outcomes than HIV-unexposed children. The determinants of adverse health outcomes among HEU children are poorly understood but may result from chronic ...
    • HIV Infection and risk of postpartum infection, complications and mortality in rural Uganda 

      Bebell, Lisa M.; Ngonzi, Joseph; Siedner, Mark J.; Muyindike, Winnie R.; Bwana, Bosco M.; Riley, Laura E.; BoumII, Yap; Bangsberg, David R.; Bassetta, Ingrid V. (AIDS Care, 2018)
      HIV infection may increase risk of postpartum infection and infection-related mortality. We hypothesized that postpartum infection incidence and attributable mortality in Mbarara, Uganda would be higher in HIV-infected ...
    • Impact of postpartum maternal fever or hypothermia on newborn and early infant illness and death in Southwestern Uganda 

      Mwanga-Amumpaire, Juliet ; Adong, Julian ;  Arinaitwe, Rinah;  Nanjebe, Deborah; Orikiriza, Patrick ;  Ngonzi, Joseph; Boum, Yap ; Bebell, Lisa M.  (BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 2024)
      Background: Deaths occurring during the neonatal period contribute close to half of under-five mortality rate (U5MR); over 80% of these deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Poor maternal antepartum and ...
    • Incidence of postpartum infection, outcomes and associated risk factors at Mbarara regional referral hospital in Uganda 

      Ngonzi, Joseph; Bebell, Lisa M.; Fajardo, Yarine; Boatin, Adeline A.; Siedner, Mark J.; Bassett, Ingrid V.; Jacquemyn, Yves; geertruyden, Jean-Pierre Van; Kabakyenga, Jerome; Wylie, Blair J.; Bangsberg, David R.; Riley, Laura E. (BMC pregnancy and childbirth, 2018)
      Background: There is a paucity of recent prospective data on the incidence of postpartum infections and associated risk factors in sub-Saharan Africa. Retrospective studies estimate that puerperal sepsis causes approximately ...
    • Placental decidual arteriopathy and vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A) expression among women with and without HIV 

      Bebell, Lisa M.; Parks, Kalynn; Le, Mylinh H.; Ngonzi, Joseph; Adong, Julian; Boatin, Adeline A.; Bassett, Ingrid V.; Siedner, Mark J.; Gernand, Alison D.; Roberts, Drucilla J. (The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2021)
      Background: Women with HIV (WHIV) are at higher risk of adverse birth outcomes. Proposed mechanisms for the increased risk include placental arteriopathy (vasculopathy) and maternal vascular malperfusion (MVM) due to ...
    • Placental Decidual Arteriopathy and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A Expression Among Women With or Without Human Immunodeficiency Virus 

      Bebell, Lisa M.; Parks, Kalynn; Mylinh, H. Le; Ngonzi, Joseph; Adong, Julian; Boatin, Adeline A.; Bassett, Ingrid V.; Siedner, Mark J.; Gernand, Alison D.; Roberts, Drucilla J. (The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2021)
      Background. Women with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (WHIV) are at higher risk of adverse birth outcomes. Proposed mechanisms for the increased risk include placental arteriopathy (vasculopathy) and maternal vascular ...