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dc.contributor.authorPascual, Asunción Semper
dc.contributor.authorBischof, Richard
dc.contributor.authorMilleret, Cyril
dc.contributor.authorBeaudrot, Lydia
dc.contributor.authorVallejo-Vargas, Andrea F.
dc.contributor.authorAhumada, Jorge A.
dc.contributor.authorAkampurira, Emmanuel
dc.contributor.authorBitariho, Robert
dc.contributor.authorEspinosa, Santiago
dc.contributor.authorJansen, Patrick A.
dc.contributor.authorKiebou-Opepa, Cisquet
dc.contributor.authorLima, Marcela Guimarães Moreira
dc.contributor.authorMartin, Emanuel H.
dc.contributor.authorMugerwa, Badru
dc.contributor.authorRovero, Francesco
dc.contributor.authorSalvador, Julia
dc.contributor.authorSantos, Fernanda
dc.contributor.authorUzabaho, Eustrate
dc.contributor.authorSheil, Douglas
dc.identifier.citationSemper-Pascual A et al. (2022), Occupancy winners in tropical protected forests: a pantropical analysis. Proc. R. Soc. B 289: 20220457.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe structure of forest mammal communities appears surprisingly consistent across the continental tropics, presumably due to convergent evolution in similar environments. Whether such consistency extends to mammal occupancy, despite variation in species characteristics and context, remains unclear. Here we ask whether we can predict occupancy patterns and, if so, whether these relationships are consistent across biogeographic regions. Specifically, we assessed how mammal feeding guild, body mass and ecological specialization relate to occupancy in protected forests across the tropics. We used standardized camera-trap data (1002 camera-trap locations and 2–10 years of data) and a hierarchical Bayesian occupancy model. We found that occupancy varied by regions, and certain species characteristics explained much of this variation. Herbivores consistently had the highest occupancy. However, only in the Neotropics did we detect a significant effect of body mass on occupancy: large mammals had lowest occupancy. Importantly, habitat specialists generally had higher occupancy than generalists, though this was reversed in the Indo-Malayan sites. We conclude that habitat specialization is key for understanding variation in mammal occupancy across regions, and that habitat specialists often benefit more from protected areas, than do generalists. The contrasting examples seen in the Indo-Malayan region probably reflect distinct anthropogenic pressuresen_US
dc.subjectBiodiversity camera-trapsen_US
dc.subjectcommunity structureen_US
dc.subjectfunctional traitsen_US
dc.subjectHabitat specializationen_US
dc.subjectHierarchical occupancy modellingen_US
dc.titleOccupancy winners in tropical protected forests: a pantropical analysisen_US

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