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dc.contributor.authorKamugisha, Peter
dc.contributor.authorTumuhimbise, Manasseh
dc.identifier.citationKamugisha, P., & Tumuhimbise, M. Internal Audit for Accountability: Perceived Usefulness by Employees at Mbarara University of Science and Technology in Uganda.en_US
dc.identifier.issn2 3 0 7 - 4 5 3 1
dc.description.abstractConsidering the Auditor General’s Report (2013) for Uganda, Public universities spend money without due authorization. This concern raises questions about the internal audit function and whether internal audit improves accountability among public universities. In view of these questions, the article describes how employees at Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) perceive the usefulness of internal audit for university accountability. Hence, a cross sectional survey design using a questionnaire tool was administered to 196 out of 403 staff of MUST to understand the perceived usefulness of internal audit for accountability. The article reveals that internal audit is perceived useful because it facilitates [1] the university to focus its activities towards achievement of set objectives and [2] financial accountability through compliance measures with set internal controls. The study concludes that when internal audit is ignored due to collusion, then accountability is flouted. The study recommends strengthening the internal audit positioning, equipping and training staff in E-Systems audit, and maintaining an environment where internal auditors have freedom to independently perform their tasks for better accountability. Strengthen internal audit is a panacea to better accountability at MUST.en_US
dc.publisherInternational Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR)en_US
dc.subjectUniversity stakeholdersen_US
dc.subjectInternal Auditen_US
dc.titleInternal Audit for Accountability: Perceived Usefulness by Employees at Mbarara University of Science and Technology in Ugandaen_US

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