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dc.contributor.authorChoudhry, Vikas
dc.contributor.authorAmbresin, Anne-Emmanuelle
dc.contributor.authorNyakat, Viola Nilah
dc.contributor.authorAgardh, Anette
dc.identifier.citationChoudhry, V., Ambresin, A. E., Nyakato, V. N., & Agardh, A. (2015). Transactional sex and HIV risks–evidence from a cross-sectional national survey among young people in Uganda. Global health action, 8(1), 27249.en_US
dc.descriptionTransactional sex and HIV risksen_US
dc.description.abstractTransactional sex is associated with sexual coercion and HIV risk behaviors such as multiple concurrent sexual partnerships among young people in Uganda. In addition, transactional sex appears to place young men at increased risk for HIV in Uganda. Both sexes appear equally vulnerable to risks associated with transactional sex, and therefore should be targeted in intervention programs. In addition, strengthening universal education policy and improving school retention programs may be beneficial in reducing risky sexual behaviors and transactional sex.en_US
dc.publisherGlobal Health Action.en_US
dc.subjectUganda; transactional sex; HIV; sexual coercion; multiple concurrent sexual relationships; young peopleen_US
dc.titleTransactional sex and HIV risks evidence from a cross-sectional national survey among young people in Ugandaen_US

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