Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • Integrating Adolescent Mental Health into HIV Prevention and Treatment Programs: Can Implementation Science Pave the Path Forward? 

       Boshe, Judith; Brtek, Veronica ;  Beima-Sofie, Kristin; Braitstein, Paula ; Brooks, Merrian ;  Denison, Julie;  Donenberg, Geri; Kemigisha, Elizabeth ;  Memiah, Peter; Njuguna, Irene ;  Poku, Ohemaa; Roberts, Sarah T. ; Shayo, Aisa M. ; Dow, Dorothy E.  (AIDS and Behavior, 2023)
      Adolescent mental health (AMH) is a critical driver of HIV outcomes, but is often overlooked in HIV research and programming. The implementation science Exploration, Preparation, Implementation, Sustainment (EPIS) framework ...