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dc.contributor.authorKatamba, David
dc.contributor.authorNkiko, Cedric Marvin
dc.contributor.authorKazooba, Charles Tushabomwe
dc.contributor.authorKemeza, Imelda
dc.contributor.authorMpisi, Sulayman Babiiha
dc.identifier.citationKatamba, D., Nkiko, C. M., Kazooba, C. T., Kemeza, I., & Mpisi, S. B. (2014). Community involvement and development: An inter-marriage of ISO 26000 and millennium development goals.International Journal of Social Economics .en_US
dc.description.abstractPurpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore how ISO 26000 inter-marries with millennium development goals (MDGs) with a view to demonstrate and recommend how businesses can successfully use this intermarriage to solve society problems. Design/methodology/approach: Case methodology was used to investigate how a company can use the social responsibility standard, ISO 26000, to guide its corporate social responsibility (CSR) aimed at contributing to MDGs. The paper focussed on the CSR dimension of community involvement and development (CI&D) interventions in health-related MDGs (4, 5 and 6). Data collection was by semi-structured interviews with CSR managers of the studied company, plus non-participant observation of CSR activities and projects. In order to develop a framework within which the collected data could be analyzed, the authors employed pattern-matching, explanation building and time series analysis. For generalization purposes of findings, the authors were guided by the “adaptive theory approach.”en_US
dc.publisherInternational Journal of Social Economicsen_US
dc.subjectDeveloping countriesen_US
dc.subjectHuman developmenten_US
dc.subjectWell beingen_US
dc.subjectHealth careen_US
dc.titleCommunity involvement and development:An inter-marriage of ISO 26000 and millennium development goalsen_US

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