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dc.contributor.authorBusinge, John
dc.contributor.authorOpenja, Moses
dc.contributor.authorKavaler, David
dc.contributor.authorBainomugisha, Engineer
dc.contributor.authorKhomh, Foutse
dc.contributor.authorFilkov, Vladimir
dc.identifier.citationBusinge, J., Openja, M., Kavaler, D., Bainomugisha, E., Khomh, F., & Filkov, V. (2019, February). Studying android app popularity by cross-linking github and google play store. In 2019 IEEE 26th International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER) (pp. 287-297). IEEE.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe incredible success of the mobile App economy has been attracting software developers hoping for new or repeated success. Surviving in the fierce competitive App market involves in part planning ahead of time for the success of the App on the marketplace. Prior research has shown that App success can be viewed through its proxy–popularity. An important question, then, is what factors differentiates popular from unpopular Apps? GitHub, a software project forge, and Google Play store, an app market, are both crowdsourced, and provide some publicly available data that can be used to cross link source code and app download popularity. In this study, we examined how technical and social features of Open Source Software Apps, mined from two crowdsourced websites, relate to App popularity. We observed that both the technical and the social factors play significant roles in explaining App popularity. However, the combined factors have a low effect size in explaining App popularity, as measured by average user rating on Google Play. Interestingly on GitHub, we found that social factors have a higher power in explaining the popularity compared to all the technical factors we investigateden_US
dc.description.sponsorshipThis work was supported by the Sida/BRIGHT project under the Makerere-Sweden bilateral research programme 2015-2020. We would like to acknowledgement the efforts of Prof. Prem Devambu and Prof. Bogdan Vascilescu who helped us in the early stages of the research.en_US
dc.subject—Android Apps, GitHuben_US
dc.subjectGoogle Playen_US
dc.subjectApps Popularityen_US
dc.subjectSocial factorsen_US
dc.subjectStatistical Modelingen_US
dc.titleStudying android app popularity by cross-linking github and google play storeen_US

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