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dc.contributor.authorFisher, Eleanor
dc.contributor.authorLuning, Sabine
dc.contributor.authorD’Angelo, Lorenzo
dc.contributor.authorHX Araujo, Carlos
dc.contributor.authorBalme, Luigi Arnaldi de
dc.contributor.authorCalvimontes, Jorge
dc.contributor.authorCamp, Esther van de
dc.contributor.authorFerreira, Lu´ cia da Costa
dc.contributor.authorLanzano, Cristiano
dc.contributor.authorMassaro, Luciana
dc.contributor.authorOue´ draogo, Alize` ta
dc.contributor.authorMello, Janua´ ria Pereira
dc.contributor.authorPijpers, Robert J
dc.contributor.authorProvencal, Nii Obodai
dc.contributor.authorResende de Moraes, Raı´ssa
dc.contributor.authorSawadogo, Christophe
dc.contributor.authorTheije, Marjo de
dc.contributor.authorTomi, Giorgio de
dc.contributor.authorTuhumwire, Margaret
dc.contributor.authorTwongyirwe, Ronald
dc.identifier.citationFisher, E., Luning, S., D’Angelo, L., Araujo, C. H., de Balme, L. A., Calvimontes, J., ... & Twongyirwe, R. (2021). Transforming matters: sustaining gold lifeways in artisanal and small-scale mining. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 49, 190-200.en_US
dc.description.abstractGrowth strategies in mining regions promote gold extraction based on industrial mining, associating Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) with persistent informality. Against this background, we consider how to approach transformations to sustainability in ASGM. Acknowledging how problematic this topic is for sustainability debates, given how ASGM is associated with a host of environmental and social problems, we argue that a justice lens demands we confront such challenges within the global politics of sustainability. This leads us to review advances in the study of ASGM, linked to debates on extractivism, resource materialities,and informality. We use the notion of gold life ways to capture how the matter of mining shapes different worlds of extraction. We argue that consideration of the potential for transformations to sustainability needs to be grounded within the realities of ASGM. This necessitates giving value to miners’ knowledge(s), perspectives and interests, while recognising the plurality of mining futures. Nevertheless, we conclude that between the immediacy of precarious work and the structural barriers to change in ASGM, the challenges for transformation cannot be underestimateden_US
dc.description.sponsorshipBelmont Forum and NORFACE Joint Research Programme on Transformations to Sustainability, co-funded by DLR/BMBFen_US
dc.publisherCurrent Opinion in Environmental Sustainabilityen_US
dc.titleTransforming matters: sustaining gold lifeways in artisanal and small-scale miningen_US

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