Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • The lifeways of small-scale gold miners: Addressing sustainability transformations 

      Fisher, Eleanor; Theije, Marjo de; Araujo, Carlos H.X.; Calvimontes, Jorge; Camp, Esther van de; D’Angelo, Lorenzo; Lanzano, Cristiano; Luning, Sabine; Massaro, Luciana; Mello, Januaria; Ouedraogo, Alizeta; Pijpers, Robert J.; Moraes, Raíssa Resende de; Sawadogo, Christophe; Tuhumwire, Margaret; Twongyirwe, Ronald (Global Environmental Change, 2023)
      Small-scale gold mining sustains millions of people’s lives and yet it stimulates environmental harms and social conflicts. Global environmental crises drive calls for fundamental change to how people live on the planet. ...