Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • Ambient PM2.5 Temporal Variation and Source Apportionment in Mbarara, Uganda 

      Onyango, Silver; North, Crystal M.; Ellaithy, Hatem A.; Tumwesigye, Paul; Kang, Choong-Min; Matthaios, Vasileios; Mukama, Martin; Nambogo, Nuriat; Wolfson, J. Mikhail; Ferguson, Stephen; Asiimwe, Stephen; Atuyambe, Lynn; Santorino, Data; Christiani, David C.; Koutrakis, Petros (Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2024)
      Air pollution is the leading environmental cause of death globally, and most mortality occurs in resource-limited settings such as sub-Saharan Africa. The African continent experiences some of the worst ambient air pollution ...