Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Resettlement Interventions for Internally Displaced Persons in Northern Uganda 

      Ogwang, Tom (IJRSS & K.A.J, 2014-07)
      There were 1.8 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) in greater northern Uganda at the height of the LRA insurgency, from 1994 to mid-2000. 1 Although the 2006 Juba peace talks were ultimately unsuccessful at bringing ...
    • The Root Causes of the Conflict in Ivory Coast. 

      Ogwang, Tom (AFRICAPORTAL a project of the africa initiative, 2011-04)
      The conflict in Ivory Coast is a by-product of deep-seated cleavages revolving around ethnicity, nationality and religion. Politicians tapped into these differences to consolidate their monopoly on power, and in the process, ...