Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Factors Impacting Sustainability of Community Health Worker Programming in rural Uganda: A Qualitative Study 

      Ashaba, Scholastic; Tumuhimbise, Manasseh; Beebwa, Esther; Oriokot, Francis; Brenner, Jennifer L; Kabakyenga, Jerome (Research square, 2020)
      Background Despite significant global progress towards decreased child mortality over the past decades, over 5 million children died before reaching their fifth birthday in 2018. Additionally, the number of women dying ...
    • Let all know: insights from a digital storytelling facilitator training in Uganda 

      Yan, Tingting; Lang, Michael; Kyomuhangi, Teddy; Naggayi, Barbara; Kabakyenga, Jerome; William, Wasswa; Ashaba, Scholastic; Neema, Clementia Murembe; Tumuhimbise, Manasseh; Mutatina, Robens; Natumanya, Deborah; Brenner, Jennifer L. (Global health action, 2021)
      Background: Digital storytelling (DST) is a participatory, arts-based methodology that facilitates the creation of short films called digital stories. Both the DST process and resulting digital stories can be used for ...