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dc.contributor.authorKwarikunda, Diana
dc.contributor.authorSchiefele, Ulrich
dc.contributor.authorMuwonge, Charles Magoba
dc.contributor.authorSsenyonga, Joseph
dc.identifier.citationKwarikunda, D., Schiefele, U., Muwonge, C. M., & Ssenyonga, J. (2022). Profiles of learners based on their cognitive and metacognitive learning strategy use: occurrence and relations with gender, intrinsic motivation, and perceived autonomy support. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 9(1), 1-12.en_US
dc.description.abstractFor life-long learning, an effective learning strategy repertoire is particularly important during acquisition of knowledge in lower secondary school—an educational level characterized with transition into more autonomous learning environments with increased complex academic demands. Using latent profile analysis, we explored the occurrence of different secondary school learner profiles depending on their various combinations of cognitive and metacognitive learning strategy use, as well as their differences in perceived autonomy support, intrinsic motivation, and gender. Data were collected from 576 ninth grade students in Uganda using self-report questionnaires. Four learner profiles were identified: competent strategy user, struggling user, surface-level learner, and deep-level learner profiles. Gender differences were noted in students’ use of elaboration and organization strategies to learn Physics, in favor of girls. In terms of profile memberships, significant differences in gender, intrinsic motivation and perceived autonomy support were also noted. Girls were 2.4–2.7 times more likely than boys to be members of the competent strategy user and surface-level learner profiles. Additionally, higher levels of intrinsic motivation predicted an increased likelihood membership into the deep-level learner profile, while higher levels of perceived teacher autonomy predicted an increased likelihood membership into the competent strategy user profile as compared to other profiles. Further, implications of the findings were discussed.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipProjekt DEALen_US
dc.publisherHumanities and Social Sciences Communicationsen_US
dc.subjectIntrinsic motivational Practicesen_US
dc.subjectPerceived autonomy supporten_US
dc.titleProfiles of learners based on their cognitive and metacognitive learning strategy use: occurrence and relations with gender, intrinsic motivation, and perceived autonomy supporen_US

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