Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • Low-field MRI: A report on the 2022 ISMRM workshop 

      Campbell-Washburn, Adrienne E.; Keenan, Kathryn E.; Hu, Peng; Mugler III, John P.; Nayak, Krishna S.; Webb, Andrew G.; Obungoloch, Johnes; Sheth, Kevin N.; Hennig, Jürgen; Rosen, Matthew S.; Salameh, Najat; Sodickson, Daniel K.; Stein, Joel M.; Marques, José P.; Simonetti, Orlando P. (Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2023)
      In March 2022, the first ISMRM Workshop on Low-Field MRI was held virtually. The goals of this workshop were to discuss recent low field MRI technology including hardware and software developments, novel methodology, new ...