Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Evidence of thermophilization in Afromontane forests 

      Cuni-Sanchez, Aida; Martin, Emanuel H.; Uzabaho, Eustrate; Ngute, Alain S. K.; Bitariho, Robert; Kayijamahe, Charles; Marshal, Andrew R.; Mohamed, Nassoro A.; Mseja, Gideon A.; Nkwasibwe, Aventino; Rovero, Francesco; Sheil, Douglas; Tinkasimire, Rogers; Tumugabirwe, Lawrence; Feeley, Kenneth J.; Sullivan, Martin J. P. (Nature communications, 2024-07-10)
      Thermophilization is the directional change in species community composition towards greater relative abundances of species associated with warmer environments. This process is well-documented in temperate and Neotropical ...
    • Seasonality in the equatorial tropics: Flower, fruit, and leaf phenology of montane trees in the highlands of Southwest Uganda 

      Ssali, Fredrick; Sheil, Douglas (Biotropica, 2023)
      Phenology influences many forest functions and can inform forest conservation and management, yet representative phenological data for most common tropical forest tree species remain sparse or absent. Between June 2011 and ...
    • Sex ratios, damage and distribution of Myrianthus holstii Engl.: a dioecious afromontane forest tree 

      Kissa, David Ocama; Ssali, Fredrick; Sheil, Douglas (Journal of Tropical Ecology, 2023)
      Male and female dioecious tropical trees are subjected to distinct demands that may influence their ecology. An example is Myrianthus holstii Engl. that produces persistent fruit eaten by elephants and other large mammals ...