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dc.contributor.authorMurokore, Biryomumaisho Justus
dc.contributor.authorMasawi, Agnes Nandutu
dc.contributor.authorWacoo, Alex Paul
dc.contributor.authorWangalwa, Raphael
dc.contributor.authorAjayi, Clement Olusoji
dc.contributor.authorCalifornia, Peter Vuzi
dc.identifier.citationMurokore, B. J., Masawi, A. N., Wacoo, A. P., Wangalwa, R., & Ajayi, C. O. (2023). Aflatoxin Susceptible Food Consumption Frequency, Prevalence, and Levels in Household Foodstuffs in Southwestern Uganda. , 2023.en_US
dc.description.abstractContamination of household foodstu1s by a2atoxins has been associated with many illnesses, especially hepatocellular cancer and malnutrition. A2atoxins are toxins produced by fungi, especially Aspergillus 1avus and Aspergillus parasiticus, usually found in food. Literature concerning the S.W. Ugandan foods that are the main a2atoxicosis route and therefore need most a2atoxin preventive measure is scanty. -e current study determined the a2atoxin-susceptible food consumption frequency, prevalence, and levels of a2atoxins in selected foodstu1s in households in S.W. Uganda to establish the main food route of a2atoxicosis. Following a food frequency questionnaire, 2our samples of common foodstu1s, namely, groundnuts, maize, millet, and sorghum, were randomly picked from seven districts of Southwest Uganda and analyzed for the presence and levels of a2atoxins using competitive ELISA. On average, maize and groundnut were found to be the most frequently consumed foods (seven times a week) by every family. Groundnuts had the highest mean a2atoxin level (96.5 ± 13.37 2g/kg), ranging from 6.2 to 297.3 2g/kg. Over 90% of the groundnut samples had mean a2atoxin levels greater than 10 2g/kg, the East African regulatory limit. Maize 2our had a mean a2atoxin level of 34.1 ± 14.1 2g/kg, with one sample registering 336.5 2g/kg. -is study found that groundnuts were the main food-route for a2atoxicosis followed by maize 2our. In addition, the study re-aBrmed the high prevalence and levels of a2atoxins in common food stu1 in households in S.W. Uganda reported by previous studies. -is study recommends further studies to elucidate its association with the observed recent increase in diseases like hepatocellular cancer and malnutrition in the region.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipSwedish Agency for International Development and Cooperation (SIDA/SAREC)en_US
dc.publisherJournal of Food Qualityen_US
dc.subjectFood Consumptionen_US
dc.titleAflatoxin Susceptible Food Consumption Frequency, Prevalence, and Levels in Household Foodstuffs in Southwestern Ugandaen_US

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