Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • The outbreak and control of Ebola viral haemorrhagic fever in a Ugandan medical school 

      Bitekyerezo, Medard; Kyobutungi, Catherine; Kizza, Ruth; Mugeni, James; Munyarugero, Emmanuel; Tirwomwe, Francis; Twongyeirwe, Eunice; Muhindo, George; Nakibuuka, Victoria; Nakate, Maimuna; John, Laurence; Ruiz, Ana; Frame, Karen; Priotto, Gerardo; Pepper, Larry; Kabakyenga, Jerome; Baingana, Sheila; Ledo, Dennis (Tropical Doctor, 2002)
      Uganda has just experienced the largest outbreak of Ebola haemorrhagic fever (EHF) ever recorded'. Mbarara UniversityTeaching Hospital (MUTH) is responsible for training approximately one-third of Uganda's doctors. Mbarara ...