Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • Undergraduate students’ contributions to health service delivery through communitybased education 

      Atuyambe, Lynn M.; Baingana, Rhona K; Kibira, Simon P. S; Katahoire, Anne; Okello, Elialilia; Mafigiri, David K; Ayebare, Florence; Oboke, Henry; Acio, Christine; Muggaga, Kintu; Mbalinda, Scovia; Nabaggala, Ruth; Ruzaaza, Gad; Arubaku, Wilfred; Mary, Samantha; Akera, Peter; Tumwine, James K; Peters, David H; Sewankambo, Nelson K (Bio Med Central, 2016)
      Abstract Background: It has been realised that there is need to have medical training closer to communities where the majority of the population lives in order to orient the trainees’ attitudes towards future practice ...