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dc.contributor.authorOwaraganise, Asiphas
dc.contributor.authorTibaijuka, Leevan
dc.contributor.authorNgonzi, Joseph
dc.identifier.citationOwaraganise, A., Tibaijuka, L., & Ngonzi, J. (2020). Subacute uterine inversion following an induced abortion in a teenage girl: a case report. BMC Women's Health, 20(1), 1-5.en_US
dc.description.abstractBackground: Subacute uterine inversion is a very rare complication of mid-trimester termination of pregnancy that should be considered in a situation where unsafe abortion occurs. Case presentation: We present a case of subacute uterine inversion complicated by hypovolemic shock following an unsafe abortion in a 17-year-old nulliparous unmarried girl. She presented with a history of collapse, mass protruding per vagina that followed Valsalva, and persistent lower abdominal pain but not vaginal bleeding. This followed her second attempt to secretly induce an abortion at 18 weeks’ amenorrhea. On examination, she was agitated, severely pale, cold on palpation, with an axillary temperature of 35.8 °C, a tachycardia of 143 beats per minute and un recordable low blood pressure. The abdomen was soft and non-tender with no palpable masses; the uterine fundus was absent at its expected periumbilical position and cupping was felt instead. A fleshy mass with gangrenous patches protruding in the introitus was palpated with no cervical lip felt around it. We made a clinical diagnosis of subacute uterine inversion complicated with hypovolemic shock and initiated urgent resuscitation with crystalloid and blood transfusion. Non-operative reversal of the inversion failed. Surgery was done to correct the inversion followed by total abdominal hysterectomy due to uterine gangrene. Conclusion: Our case highlights an unusual presentation of subacute uterine inversion following unsafe abortion. This case was managed successfully but resulted in significant and permanent morbidityen_US
dc.publisherBMC Women's Healthen_US
dc.subjectCase reporten_US
dc.subjectUterine inversionen_US
dc.subjectUnsafe abortionen_US
dc.subjectJohnson’s manoeuvreen_US
dc.titleSubacute uterine inversion following an induced abortion in a teenage girl: a case reporten_US

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