Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • Formulation, Development and Validation of a Wound Healing Herbal Ointment from Extracts of Bidens pilosa and Aloe barbadensis 

      Namunana, Sandra; Lutoti, Stephen; Nyamaizi, Grace; Agaba, Gerald; Apun, Irene; Ssebunnya, Charles; Tenywa, Gladys Mercy; Wangalwa, Raphael; Kaggwa, Bruhan; Kamba, Pakoyo Fadhiru; Musoke-Muweke, David; Ogwang, Patrick Engeu (Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology Research, 2018)
      Various studies have been done to assess the wound healing potential of Aloe barbadensis and Bidens pilosa. Plant materials/ extracts that have been used in most of those studies have shown superior/ comparable efficacy ...