Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Effects of Maternal HIV Infection and Alcohol Use in Pregnancy on Birth Outcomes in Uganda 

      Adong, Julian; Musinguzi, Nicholas; Ngonzi, Joseph; Haberer, Jessica E.; Bassett, Ingrid V.; Siedner, Mark J.; Roberts, Drucilla J.; Hahn, Judith A.; Bebell, Lisa M. (AIDS and Behavior, 2023)
      Alcohol use and HIV infection are prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa (sSA), and both are associated with low birth weight. Yet, few studies have evaluated the combined effects of maternal HIV infection and alcohol use on birth ...
    • Prevalence of Ethanol Use Among Pregnant Women in Southwestern Uganda 

      English, Lacey; Mugyenyi, Godfrey Rwambuka; Ngonzi, Joseph; Kiwanuka, Gertrude; Nightingale, Ira; Koren, Gideon; MacLeod, Stuart; Grunau, Brian E.; Wiens, Matthew O. (Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology Canada:, 2015)
      The prevalence of ethanol use in many Sub-Saharan African countries is high and reported to be increasing among women. Some areas of Sub-Saharan African, such as regions of South Africa, have high rates of fetal alcohol ...