Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • Leveraging tele-mentoring and remote learning to strengthen the emergency care capacity of health workers in Uganda 

      Atuhairwe, Irene; Ngabirano, Annet Alenyo; Ahaisibwe, Bonaventure; Nsubuga, Allan; Kanyike, Andrew Marvin; Kihumuro, Raymond Bernard; Balizzakiwa, Thomas; Ewing, Helen; Ellis, Randall; Forbush, Leigh; Joseph, Oumo; Nakyeyune, Marion Jane; Waniaye, John Baptist (African Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2023)
      Background: A robust emergency care system is a cost-effective method of reducing preventable death and dis- ability, especially in low-and middle-income countries. To scale emergency care expertise across the country, the ...