Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Leveraging Data Science for Global Health 

      Celi, Leo Anthony; Majumder, Maimuna S.; Ordóñez, Patricia; Osorio, Juan Sebastian; Paik, Kenneth E.; Somai, Melek (Springer Nature., 2020)
      Background Healthcare systems function as an important component and a contributing factor in global health. The application of information technology (IT) in healthcare systems function as a basis for the utilization of ...
    • An Overview of Data Science Innovations, Challenges and Limitations Towards Real-World Implementations in Global Health 

      Kimera, Richard; Kaggwa, Fred; Mwavu, Rogers; Mugonza, Robert; Tumuhimbise, Wilson; Munguci, Gloria; Kamuganga, Francis (2020)
      Health institutions are increasingly collecting vast amounts of patient data. However, mining data from those different institutions is not possible for various challenges. In this chapter, we will report on our experience ...