Now showing items 1-10 of 10

    • Consistent diel activity patterns of forest mammals among tropical regions 

      Vallejo-Vargas, Andrea F.; Sheil, Douglas; Semper-Pascual, Asunción; Beaudrot, Lydia; Ahumada, Jorge A.; Akampurira, Emmanuel; Bitariho, Robert; Espinosa, Santiago; Estienne, Vittoria; Jansen, Patrick A.; Kayijamahe, Charles; Martin, Emanuel H.; Lima, Marcela Guimarães Moreira; Mugerwa, Badru; Rovero, Francesco; Salvador, Julia; Santos, Fernanda; Spironello, Wilson Roberto; Uzabaho, Eustrate; Bischof, Richard (Nature communications, 2022)
      An animal’s daily use of time (their “diel activity”) reflects their adaptations, requirements, and interactions, yet we know little about the underlying processes governing diel activity within and among communities. Here ...
    • Harvesting of wild climbers, food security and ecological implications in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, S.W uganda 

      Bitariho, Robert; Akampurira, Emmanuel (Bwindi Mgahinga Conservation Trust, 2019-01)
      Humans have harvested wild climbers from forests for subsistence and commercial use for thousands of years. In the early four decades, wild climbers were considered a “nuisance” by foresters claiming they suppressed timber ...
    • Human density modulates spatial associations among tropical forest terrestrial mammal species 

      Gorczynski, Daniel; Hsieh, Chia; Ahumada, Jorge; Akampurira, Emmanuel; Andrianarisoa, Mahandry Hugues; Espinosa, Santiago; Johnson, Steig; Kayijamahe, Charles; Lima, Marcela Guimarães Moreira; Mugerwa, Badru; Rovero, Francesco; Salvador, Julia; Santos, Fernanda; Sheil, Douglas; Uzabaho, Eustrate; Beaudrot, Lydia (Global Change Biology, 2022)
      The spatial aggregation of species pairs often increases with the ecological similarity of the species involved. However, the way in which environmental conditions and anthropogenic activity affect the relationship between ...
    • Long-term funding of community projects has contributed to mitigation of illegal activities within a premier African protected area, Bwindi impenetrable National Park, Uganda 

      Bitariho, Robert; Akampurira, Emmanuel; Mugerwa, Badru (Conservation Science and Practice, 2022-11)
      At Bwindi Impenetrable National Park (hereafter Bwindi), illegal activities often provide major challenges to park management. In 1994, an Integrated Conservation and Development Program (ICDP) was introduced in Bwindi as ...
    • Occupancy winners in tropical protected forests: a pantropical analysis 

      Pascual, Asunción Semper; Bischof, Richard; Milleret, Cyril; Beaudrot, Lydia; Vallejo-Vargas, Andrea F.; Ahumada, Jorge A.; Akampurira, Emmanuel; Bitariho, Robert; Espinosa, Santiago; Jansen, Patrick A.; Kiebou-Opepa, Cisquet; Lima, Marcela Guimarães Moreira; Martin, Emanuel H.; Mugerwa, Badru; Rovero, Francesco; Salvador, Julia; Santos, Fernanda; Uzabaho, Eustrate; Sheil, Douglas (2022)
      The structure of forest mammal communities appears surprisingly consistent across the continental tropics, presumably due to convergent evolution in similar environments. Whether such consistency extends to mammal occupancy, ...
    • Occurrence dynamics of mammals in protected tropical forests respond to human presence and activities 

      Pascual, Asunción Semper; Sheil, Douglas; Beaudrot, Lydia; Dupont, Pierre; Dey, Soumen; Ahumada, Jorge; Akampurira, Emmanuel; Bitariho, Robert; Espinosa, Santiago; Jansen, Patrick A.; Lima, Marcela Guimarães Moreira; Martin, Emanuel H.; Mugerwa, Badru; Rovero, Francesco; Santos, Fernanda; Uzabaho, Eustrate; Bischof, Richard (nature ecology & evolution, 2023-06-26)
      Protected areas (PAs) play a vital role in wildlife conservation. Nonetheless there is concern and uncertainty regarding how and at what spatial scales anthropogenic stressors influence the occurrence dynamics of wildlife ...
    • On the scaling of activity in tropical forest mammals 

      Cid, Bruno; Carbone, Chris; Fernandez, Fernando A. S.; Jansen, Patrick A.; Rowcliffe, J. Marcus; O’Brien, Timothy; Akampurira, Emmanuel; Bitariho, Robert; Espinosa, Santiago; Gajapersad, Krishna; Santos, Thiago M. R.; Gonçalves, André L. S.; Kinnaird, Margaret F.; Lima, Marcela G. M.; Martin, Emanuel; Mugerwa, Badru; Rovero, Francesco; Salvador, Julia; Santos, Fernanda; Spironello, Wilson R.; Wijntuin, Soraya; Santos, Luiz Gustavo R. Oliveira (Oikos, 2020)
      Activity range - the amount of time spent active per day - is a fundamental aspect contributing to the optimization process by which animals achieve energetic balance. Based on their size and the nature of their diet, ...
    • On the scaling of activity in tropical forest mammals 

      Cid, Bruno; Carbone, Chris; Fernandez, Fernando A. S.; Jansen, Patrick A.; Rowcliffe, J. Marcus; O’Brien, Timothy; Akampurira, Emmanuel; Bitariho, Robert; Espinosa, Santiago; Gajapersad, Krishna (, 2020-05)
      Activity range – the amount of time spent active per day – is a fundamental aspect contributing to the optimization process by which animals achieve energetic balance. Based on their size and the nature of ...
    • The politics of mourning in conservation conflicts: The (un) grievability of life and less-than-human geographies 

      Akampurira, Emmanuel; Marijnen, Esther (Political Geography, 2024)
      Accounts of conservation conflicts often reveal that people living around protected areas feel like their lives are less valued than animals’ lives —they are confined to ‘less-than-human geographies’. Recent literature on ...
    • Understanding Conservation Conflicts in Uganda: A Political Ecology of Memory Approach 

      Akampurira, Emmanuel (Conservation and Society, 2023)
      Political ecologists have linked conservation conflicts in post-independence Africa to the continuities and legacies of colonial policies that displaced and dispossessed people to create ‘wild places’. This paper introduces ...