Now showing items 1-20 of 123

    • Acceptability and feasibility of a mobile health application for blood pressure monitoring in rural Uganda. 

      Mugabirwe, Beatrice; Flickinger, Tabor; Cox, Lauren; Ariho, Pius; Dillingham, Rebecca; Okello, Samson (JAMIA Open, 2020-11-20)
      Background: Mobile technologies to improve blood pressure control in resource-limited settings are needed. We adapted and evaluated the acceptability and feasibility of Positive Links, a mobile phone application for ...
    • Acceptability and feasibility of a mobile health application for enhancing public private mix for TB care among healthcare Workers in Southwestern Uganda 

      Tumuhimbise, Wilson; Atwine, Daniel; Kaggwa, Fred; Musiimenta, Angella (BMC Digital Health, 2023)
      Background: Mobile health interventions can potentially enhance public–private linkage for tuberculosis care. However, evidence about their acceptability and feasibility is lacking. This study sought to assess the initial ...
    • An Access Control Framework for Protecting Personal Electronic Health Records 

      Atuheire Izaara, Ambrose; Ssembatya, Richard; Kaggwa, Fred (Mbarara University of Science and Technology, 2018)
      The increasing expansion of wireless systems and the extensive popularity and usage of mobile devices such as mobile phones and wireless tablets represents a great opportunity to use mobile devices as widespread ...
    • An algorithm to detect overlapping red blood cells for sickle cell disease diagnosis 

      Vicent, Mabirizi; Simon, Kawuma; Yonasi, Safari (IET Image Processing, 2022)
      In Africa, Uganda is among the countries with a high number of babies (20,000 babies) born with sickle cell, contributing between 6.8% of the children born with sickle cell every year worldwide and approximately 4.5% of ...
    • Algorithms for the Generation of an Electronic Customized Answer Booklet for Universities 

      Nduhukire, Doreck; Nabaasa, Evarist; Natumanya, Deborah (Indonesian Journal of Innovation and Applied Sciences (IJIAS), 2023)
      Academic institutions in Uganda are accustomed to using pen-on-paper exams where students are given an answer booklet at the time of the exam. Universities frequently use customized answer booklets which help to lower the ...
    • Analyzing Energy Consumption Patterns at Mbarara University of Science and Technology: A Case Study of the Academic Calendar Influence 

      Rutagangibwa, Vicent; Nabaasa, Evarist; Obungoloch, Johnes; Ariho, Pius (International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering and Management (IJIREM), 2023)
      This research paper presents a concise and factual analysis of energy consumption patterns at Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) based on historical data from the calendar year 2019. The study focused on ...
    • An Approach for Agent-Based Modeling Using AiC+ 

      Ngobye, Martin; Kanagwa, Benjamin; WEIDE, THEO VAN DER; Groot, Wouter T. DE (International Journal of Computing and ICT Research., 2011-12)
      In this paper, we present AiC+, an extension of the AiC framework designed for the explanation of human actions especially in the environmental field. We use first order logics to describe the semantics used to explain the ...
    • Authenticating Passwords by Typing Pattern Biometrics 

      Nakasi, Rose; Yonasi, Safari; Ngubiri, John (American Journal of Computing and Engineering, 2021)
      Passwords are a common measure used in Authentication systems to make sure that the users are who they say they are. The complexity of these Passwords is relied on while ensuring security. However, the role of complexity ...
    • Barriers and Motivators of Private Hospitals’ Engagement in Tuberculosis Care in Uganda 

      Tumuhimbise, Wilson; Musiimenta, Angella (Global Implementation Research and Applications, 2021-11-08)
      The involvement of private hospitals in Tuberculosis care in Uganda is still limited. There is a lack of literature about the barriers and motivators to private hospitals’ engagement in Tuberculosis care in Uganda. To ...
    • Behavioral Predictors of Intention to Use a Text Messaging Reminder System Among People Living With HIV in Rural Uganda: Survey Study 

      Campbell, Jeffrey I; Aturinda, Isaac; Mwesigwa, Evans; Habinka, Annabella; Kanyesigye, Michael; Holden, Richard J; Siedner, Mark J; Kraemer, John D (JMIR Human Factors, 2023)
      Background: The expansion of cellular phones in sub-Saharan Africa spurred the development of SMS text message–based mobile health (mHealth) technology. Numerous SMS text message–based interventions have attempted to ...
    • Blended Learning: Systematic Literature Review in The Context of Covid19 Pandemic 

      Kabarungi, Moreen; Habinka, Annabella; Kawuma, Simon; Ntwari, Richard (Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Review, 2023)
      This paper examines the concept of blended learning, which combines traditional face-to-face classroom instruction with online learning activities. Blended learning offers a flexible and adaptable educational experience, ...
    • BYOD Systematic Literature review: A layered approach 

      Richard, Ntwari; Habinka, Annabella E; Kaggwa, Fred (European Journal of Technology, 2022)
      Introduction: Bring your own device (BYOD) is a paradigm where employees use personal devices for organizational related activities. Various benefits accrued by both employees and organization. However, BYOD leads to risks ...
    • Can We Find Stable Alternatives For Unstable Eclipse Interfaces? 

      Kawuma, Simon; Businge, John; Bainomugisha, Engineer (International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC), 2016-05-24)
      The Eclipse framework is a popular and widely adopted framework that has been evolving for over a decade. Like many other evolving software systems, the Eclipse framework provides both stable and supported interfaces (APIs) ...
    • Candidate Base Stations a Security Solution For Compromised Base Stations In Wireless Sensor Networks 

      Nabaasa, Evarist; Lin, Yaping (College of Computer and Communication, Hunan University, P. R. China, 2013)
      Wireless sensor networks heavily rely on base stations for data processing and routing within the network itself and the outside world. Considerably less attention has been put on the security of base stations in comparison ...
    • Challenges in accessing maternal and child health services during COVID-19 and the potential role of social networking technologies 

      Musiimenta, Angella; Tumuhimbise, Wilson; Atukunda, Esther Cathyln; Ayebaza, Sandrah; Kobutungi, Phionah; Mugaba, Aaron T; Asasira, Justus; Mugyenyi, Godfrey Rwambuka; Katusiime, Jane; Zender, Raphael; Pinkwart, Niels; Haberer, Jessica E (Digital Health, 2022)
      Background: The COVID-19 pandemic causes new challenges to women and their babies who still need to access postnatal care amidst the crisis. The novel application of social network technologies (SNTs) could potentially ...
    • Clone-Based Variability Management in the Android Ecosystem 

      Businge, John; Openja, Moses; Nadi, Sarah; Bainomugisha, Engineer; Berger, Thorsten (2018 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, 2018)
      Mobile app developers often need to create variants to account for different customer segments, payment models or functionalities. A common strategy is to clone (or fork) an existing app and then adapt it to new requirements. ...
    • Code Authorship and Fault-proneness of Open-Source Android Applications : An Empirical Study 

      Businge, John; Kawuma, Simon; Bainomugisha, Engineer (International Conference on Predictive Models and Data Analytics in Software Engineering, 2020-08-28)
      Context: In recent years, many research studies have shown how human factors play a significant role in the quality of software components. Code authorship metrics have been introduced to establish a chain of responsibility ...
    • Code Authorship and Fault-proneness of Open-Source Android Applications : An Empirical Study 

      Businge, John; Kawuma, Simon; Bainomugisha, Engineer (In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Predictive Models and Data Analytics in Software Engineering, 2017-11-08)
      Context: In recent years, many research studies have shown how human factors play a significant role in the quality of software components. Code authorship metrics have been introduced to establish a chain of responsibility ...
    • Combined Feature Level and Score Level Fusion Gabor Filter-Based Multiple Enrollment Fingerprint Recognition 

      Kaggwa, Fred; Ngubiri, John; Tushabe, Florence (International conference on Signal Processing, Communication, Power and Embedded System, 2016)
      Minutiae-based fingerprint matching methods suffer difficulty in automatically extracting all minutiae points due to failure to detect the complete ridge structures of a fingerprint, as well as describing all the local ...
    • Comparison of Deep Learning Techniques in Detection of Sickle Cell Disease 

      Simon, Kawuma; Vicent, Mabirizi; Addah, Kyarisiima; Bamutura, David; Atwiine, Barnabas; Nanjebe, Deborah; Mukama, Adolf Oyesigye (In Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 2023)
      Recently, transfer learning technique has proved to be powerful in enhancing development of deep learning methods for sickle cell disease (SCD) detection as a complement to the clinical method where a hemoglobin electrophoresis ...