Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Cucumeropsis mannii seed oil ameliorates Bisphenol-A- induced adipokines dysfunctions and dyslipidemia 

      M. Aja, Patrick; Chiadikaobi, Chukwu D.; Agu, Peter C.; Ale, Boniface A.; Ani, Onyedika G.; Tusubira, Deusdedit; Atoki, Victor A.; Ekpono, Ezebuilo U. (Food Science & Nutrition, 2023)
      This study demonstrated the therapeutic potentials of Cucumeropsis mannii seed oil (CMSO) capable of alleviating BPA-induced dyslipidemia and adipokine dysfunction. In this study, we evaluated the effects of CMSO on adipokine ...
    • Safety profile of colocasia esculenta tuber extracts in benign prostate hyperplasia 

      Tusubira, Deusdedit; Aja, Patrick M.; Munezero, Jonasi; Ssedyabane, Frank; Namale, Nathim; Ifie, Josiah E.; Agu, Peter C.; Ajayi, Clement O.; Okoboi, Joash (BMC complementary medicine and therapies, 2023)
      Introduction: This study was motivated by the increasing global incidence of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and the promising potential of nutraceuticals as complementary therapies in ameliorating its burden. We report ...