Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • The impact of HIV on fertility aspirations in Uganda. 

      Snow, Rachel C; Mutumba, Massy; Powers, Gregory; Evans, Lindsey; Rukundo, Edith; Abesiga, Lenard; Kabasindi, Joy; Ford, Tegan; Mugyenyi, Godfrey (Population Study Center,, 2011)
      This paper reports on a study of whether a women’s personal HIV status, the presence of an HIV+ child in the household, or the presence of foster children in the household, has a measureable impact on a woman’s desire for ...
    • Predictors and outcome of surgical repair of obstetric fistula at a regional referral hospital, Mbarara, western Uganda 

      Kayondo, Musa; Wasswa, Ssalongo; Kabakyenga, Jerome; Mukiibi, Nozmo; Senkungu, Jude; Stenson, Amy; Mukasa, Peter (BMC Urology, 2011-12-07)
      Background: Obstetric fistula although virtually eliminated in high income countries, still remains a prevalent and debilitating condition in many parts of the developing world. It occurs in areas where access to care at ...
    • Obstructed labour and Birth preparedness: Community studies from Uganda 

      Kabakyenga, Jerome (Lund University, 2012-02-03)
      Labour is said to be obstructed when the presenting part fails to descend through the birth canal despite strong uterine contractions. The condition is mostly prevalent in low-income countries where the main causes are ...
    • Impact of malaria during pregnancy on pregnancy outcomes in a Ugandan prospective cohort with intensive malaria screening and prompt treatment 

      Beaudrap, Pierre De; Turyakira, Eleanor; White, Lisa J; Nabasumba, Carolyn; Tumwebaze, Benon; Muehlenbachs, Atis; Guérin, Philippe J; Boum, Yap; Gready, Rose Mc; Piola, Patrice (De Beaudrap et al. Malaria, 2013-04-24)
      Background: Malaria in pregnancy (MP) is a major public health problem in endemic areas of sub-Saharan Africa and has important consequences on birth outcome. Because MiP is a complex phenomenon and malaria epidemiology ...
    • Chronic Placental Inflammation Among Women Living With HIV in Uganda 

      Bebell, Lisa M.; Siedner, Mark J.; Ngonzi, Joseph; Le, Mylinh H.; Adong, Julian; Boatin, Adeline A.; Bassett, Ingrid V.; Roberts, Drucilla J. (ournal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 2020)
      Background: HIV-exposed, uninfected (HEU) children have poorer early-life outcomes than HIV-unexposed children. The determinants of adverse health outcomes among HEU children are poorly understood but may result from chronic ...