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dc.contributor.authorRogers, Kalyetsi
dc.contributor.authorKakaire, Michael Nyende
dc.contributor.authorEmmanuel, Kigali
dc.contributor.authorFrank, Ssedyabane
dc.contributor.authorAbraham, Birungi
dc.identifier.citationRogers, K., Kakaire, M. N., Emmanuel, K., Frank, S., & Abraham, B. (2020). Bovine trypanosomosis in Bukanga County, Western Uganda: prevalence, farmers knowledge and livestock management practices. The Journal of protozoology research, 30(1-2), 1-10.en_US
dc.description.abstractTrypanosomosis is considered as a threat to the ongoing efforts on poverty alleviation in Uganda despite attempts to control it. Understanding current prevalence and level of knowledge of local farmers influences the extent to which they adhere to and the success of existing control interventions. Prevalence of bovine trypanosomosis was determined from a total of 200 cattle blood samples randomly selected and screened for trypanosomes by microhaematocrit centrifugation method (HCT) and blood smear microscopy; a questionnaire was used to establish the level of knowledge and livestock practices. STATA software was used for descriptive data analysis and Ashur’s scale to assess farmers’ knowledge. Four blood samples (4/200) were positive for trypanosomes by both HCT and smear microscopy techniques giving a prevalence of 2% (95% CI: 1.94 – 2.06); T. congolense and T. vivax species were identified with T. congolense contributing 75% of all infections. Farmers level of knowledge was low and nomadic farming system was mainly practiced. Trypanosomosis remains an economically important challenge in the study area. There is need to encourage farmers to adopt integrated tick and tsetse control practices by using acaricides that kill both ticks and tsetse and there is need for community sensitization andenhancement of the prevailing trypanosomosis control interventions.en_US
dc.publisherThe Journal of protozoology researchen_US
dc.subjectBovine trypanosomosisen_US
dc.subjectManagement practicesen_US
dc.subjectAfrican Animal Trypanosomiasisen_US
dc.titleBovine trypanosomosis in Bukanga County, Western Uganda: prevalence, farmers knowledge and livestock management practicesen_US

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