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dc.contributor.authorMugenyi, Nathan
dc.contributor.authorSakaiwa, Neontle
dc.contributor.authorDarko, Kwadwo
dc.contributor.authorShituluka, Musakanya
dc.contributor.authorTango, Tamara
dc.contributor.authorTunde, Olobatoke
dc.contributor.authorLordstrong, Akano
dc.contributor.authorSaeed, Ali Awadallah
dc.contributor.authorKamabu, Larrey Kasereka
dc.contributor.authorMduma, Emmanuel
dc.contributor.authorKyaruzi, Victor
dc.contributor.authorShimber, Emnet
dc.contributor.authorAzouz, Heba
dc.contributor.authorGankpe, Fortune
dc.contributor.authorEsene, Ignatius
dc.contributor.authorTirsit, Abenezer
dc.identifier.citationMugenyi, N., Sakaiwa, N., Darko, K., Shituluka, M., Tango, T., Tunde, O., ... & Tirsit, A. (2023). Assessing the neuroprotective efficacy of atorvastatin in traumatic brain injury: a systematic review protocol. Journal of Surgical Protocols and Research Methodologies, 2023(3), snad011.en_US
dc.description.abstractTraumatic brain injury (TBI) is a significant public health threat, with an estimated 5.3million people in the United States alone living with a disability related to TBI (1). The most common therapies for individuals with TBI at this time include supportive measures, direct monitoring and surgical interventions, but the treatment outcomes following TBI are still poor. A torvastatin is one of 3-hydroxy–3methylglutarylcoenzyme A reductase inhibitor commonly used for treatment reduction of low-density lipoprotein and relief of symptom sincere brovascular diseases, however, there cent randomized trials in animal models and human subjects have revealed a promising therapeutic effect for its use in the treatment of TBI that has shown a significant alleviation of neurological dysfunctions. Hence this systematic review will streamline and provide a comprehensive avenue for understanding more about the dynamics of atorvastatin and its neuroprotective efficacy for the treatment of these verity of TBI and the improvement of functional outcomes. This systematic review will follow the2020 PRISMA guidelines. Information sources will be obtained from electronic databases such as Pubmed, Cochrane Library, EMBASE and SCOPUS. All patients with TBI that received Atorvastatin will be included. Their view will also include original peer-reviewed research articles addressing the efficacy of Atorvastatin in TBI in English. Ethical approval will not be required as there will be no human participant involvement in this study. The findings from this study will be disseminated at scientific conferences and published in a reputable peer-reviewed journal. Strengths • A wide range of study types will be included increasing the pool of information. • Accuracy will be upheld as two to three reviewers will independently screen titles, abstracts and full texts. Limitations • Only studies in English will be included, hence studies in other languages that may be very informative will be excludeden_US
dc.publisherJournal of Surgical Protocols and Research Methodologiesen_US
dc.subjectTraumatic brain injuryen_US
dc.subjectPublic healthen_US
dc.titleAssessing the neuroprotective efficacy of atorvastatin in traumatic brain injury : a systematic review protocolen_US

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