Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • Capacity Building in Sub-Saharan Africa as Part of the INTENSE-TBM Project During the COVID-19 Pandemic 

      Ariza-Vioque, E.; Ello, F.; Andriamamonjisoa, H.; Machault, V.; Gonza´lez-Martın, J.; Calvo-Cortes, M. C.; Eholie, S.; Tchabert, G. A.; Ouassa, T.; Raberahona, M.; Rakotoarivelo, R.; Razafindrakoto, H.; Rahajamanana, L.; Wilkinson, R. J.; Davis, A.; Maxebengula, M.; Abrahams, F.; Muzoora, Conrad; Nakigozi, N.; Nyehangane, D.; Nanjebe, D.; Mbega, H.; Kaitano, R.; Bonnet, M.; Debeaudrap, P.; Miro´, J. M.; Anglaret, X.; Rakotosamimanana, N.; Calmy, A.; Bonnet, F.; Ambrosioni, J.; INTENSE-TBM Group (Infectious Diseases and Therapy, 2022)
      Tuberculous meningitis (TBM) is the most severe and disabling form of tuberculosis (TB), with at least 100,000 cases per year and a mortality rate of up to 50% in individuals co-infected with human immunodeficiency virus ...