Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Assessment of the immunomodulatory activity of Artavol® aqueous extract in Plasmodium berghei infected mice 

      Amanya, Martin; Ajayi, Clement Olusoji; Natukunda, Bernard; Wasswa, Francis; Bayiyana, Alice; Nabatanzi, Rose; Sande, Obondo; Agaba, Amon (African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 2022)
      ARTAVOL® is an herbal product derived from de-artemisinised extracts of Artemisia annua combined with lemon grass extract and avocado seed powder as a base locally used in Uganda for malaria prevention. This study assessed ...
    • The availability of six tracer medicines in private medicine outlets in Uganda 

      Birabwa, Catherine; Murison, Jude; Evans, Valerie; Obua, Celestino; Agaba, Amon; Waako, Paul; Pollock, Allyson (Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice, 2014)
      Objectives: Many low income countries struggle to provide safe and effective medicines due to poor public health care infrastructure, budgetary constraints, and lack of human resource capacity. Private sector pharmacies ...