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dc.contributor.authorStadelman-Behar, Anna M.
dc.contributor.authorTiffin, Nicki
dc.contributor.authorEllis, Jayne
dc.contributor.authorCreswell, Fiona V.
dc.contributor.authorSsebambulidde, Kenneth
dc.contributor.authorNuwagira, Edwin
dc.contributor.authorRichards, Lauren
dc.contributor.authorLutje, Vittoria
dc.contributor.authorHristea, Adriana
dc.contributor.authoret al
dc.identifier.citationStadelman-Behar, A. M., Tiffin, N., Ellis, J., Creswell, F. V., Ssebambulidde, K., Nuwagira, E., ... & Boyles, T. H. (2024). Diagnostic Prediction Model for Tuberculous Meningitis: An Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, tpmd230789-tpmd230789.en_US
dc.description.abstractNo accurate and rapid diagnostic test exists for tuberculous meningitis (TBM), leading to delayed diagnosis. We leveraged data from multiple studies to improve the predictive performance of diagnostic models across different populations, settings, and subgroups to develop a new predictive tool for TBM diagnosis. We conducted a systematic review to analyze eligible datasets with individual-level participant data (IPD). We imputed missing data and explored three approaches: stepwise logistic regression, classification and regression tree (CART), and random forest regression. We evaluated performance using calibration plots and C-statistics via internal–external cross-validation. We included 3,761 individual participants from 14 studies and nine countries. A total of 1,240 (33%) participants had “definite” (30%) or “probable” (3%) TBM by case definition. Important predictive variables included cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) glucose, blood glucose, CSF white cell count, CSF differential, cryptococcal antigen, HIV status, and fever presence. Internal validation showed that performance varied considerably between IPD datasets with C-statistic values between 0.60 and 0.89. In external validation, CART performed the worst (C 5 0.82), and logistic regression and random forest had the same accuracy (C 5 0.91). We developed a mobile app for TBM clinical prediction that accounted for heterogeneity and improved diagnostic performance( Further external validation is needed.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipFogarty International Center, NIH,USA(R01NS086312, D43TW009345)en_US
dc.publisherThe American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygieneen_US
dc.subjectDiagnostic Prediction Modelen_US
dc.subjectTuberculous Meningitisen_US
dc.titleDiagnostic Prediction Model for Tuberculous Meningitis: An Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysisen_US

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